Enterprise Data World

🎥 Dataversity EDW2024 Keynote Florida, VS

Esther EberwijnSpeaking, USA

The Burning Question – How Do Humans Make Decisions? – Dataversity EDW2024 Keynote Florida. Als we geloven dat AI de besluitvorming in van nooddiensten kan verbeteren, zouden we dan niet eerst moeten begrijpen hoe mensen überhaupt beslissingen nemen?


🎥 DINAcon 2019, Smart data for smarter firefighters, Zwitserland

Esther EberwijnEurope, Speaking, Switserland

Keynote DINAcon 2019: Bart van Leeuwen combines more than 20 years of experience as an operational firefighter at various fire departments in the Netherlands with running 20 years of leading Netage B.V., an SME delivering Smart Data for Smarter Firefighters. This unique combination gives him the opportunity to identify relevant research and its application in a real-world scenario. Bart serves …